JavaScript is everywhere, so we wanted to make it easier for JavaScript learners to choose the resources that will empower them as they progress through their learning journey. Sites like these are incredible opportunities to develop your skills and share them.
1 . JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
Topics Covered in This Course: JavaScript ES6, Regular Expressions, Data Structures, Debugging
Certification :
2 . JavaScript Fundamentals
Topics Covered in This Course: HTML basics, Variables,Operators,Errors,Custom Objects,Popups
Course :
3 . The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
Topics Covered : Fundamentals,Code Quality,Objects,Data Types,Functions,Prototypes
Blog :
4 . Eloquent JavaScript
Topics Covered : Values,Types,Operators,Functions,HTTP,Modules,Node.js,Projects
Ebook : eloquentjavascript
5 . A re-introduction to JavaScript
Topics Covered : Numbers,Strings,Other types,Variables,Operators,Control structures,Objects,Arrays,Functions,Custom objects
Blog :
6 . Learn modern JavaScript
Topics Covered : ES6 from scratch,var & let,const,Javascript scope,Mutation,Object.freeze(),Arrow functions,High order functions,Default parameters,Rest operator,Spread operator,Object destructuring,Array destructuring, Constructor functions,Declarative functions, ES6 classes, Getters and setters, ES6 modules, Import & Export
interactive :
What is your favourite website to learn JavaScript? Let us know down in the comments below!